All posts by Marina Canepa Allen

Tackling inequalities in health for mental health patients

People living with mental illness suffer from many disadvantages in regard with their health status, among others: earlier death, more preventable diseases,  tiresome side effects from medications. In addition to this, when seeking health care they often receive lower quality care compared to other patients.

This article points out the obstacles that people suffering from mental health face in regard of  accessing health care that is adapted to their vulnerabilities.

The main goal of the article is to formulate recommendations for designing health policies that better take into account the needs of mental health patients and thus tackle inequalities in health.

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Enseignement des compétences transculturelles et diversité parmi les soignants

Cet article définit les compétences transculturelles et décrit les avantages d’un tel enseignement pour les futurs professionnels de la santé en mettant en évidence les avantages de la congruence culturelle entre soignant et patient. L’auteur s’intéresse aussi à la question de la diversité au sein des soignants.

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Soins aux patients migrants : une nouvelle formation en ligne!

L’OFSP vient de publier , dans le cadre du programme “Santé 2020”, un excellent outil de formation disponible gratuitement et en ligne destiné aux infirmiers, aux médecins et au personnel d’accueil.

Interaction et qualité
dans le domaine de la santé

Trois modules de formation avec un test final afin de favoriser des soins de qualité pour tous!

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Great inequity in health workers distribution around the world

Health workforce shortage is becoming  an urgent problem in high income countries ( including Switzerland). In order to respond to an increasing need,  health workers have been drained from other countries ( including from developing countries).

But when looking at the availability of health workers around the world related to the population needs, there is a great inequity in the distribution of nurses and doctors among countries, which should encourage a more fair distribution of resources and a greater effort in education of health workers across the globe.

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How adverse experiences during childhood influence people’s health behavior

MBC Medicine published a study about the influence of adverse childhood experiences ACE (parental separation, domestic violence, physical or verbal abuse, sexual abuse, mental illness, alcohol or drug abuse, and incarceration) on health-harming behaviors H-HB (such as unintended teenage pregnancy, early sexual initiation, smoking, blinge drinking, drugs use, violence, poor diet, low physical activity and incarceration) among adults individuals living en England. One out of two adults across all socio-economic classes, have experienced at least one ACE. These individuals are more likely to develop H-HB and thus to suffer from non-communicable diseases.  

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Epidemiological and biomedical evidence link adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) with health-harming behaviors and the development of non-communicable disease in adults. Investment in interventions to improve early life experiences requires empirical evidence on levels of childhood adversity and the proportion of HHBs potentially avoided should such adversity be addressed.


A nationally representative survey of English residents aged 18 to 69 (n = 3,885) was undertaken during the period April to July 2013. Individuals were categorized according to the number of ACEs experienced. Modeling identified the proportions of HHBs (early sexual initiation, unintended teenage pregnancy, smoking, binge drinking, drug use, violence victimization, violence perpetration, incarceration, poor diet, low levels of physical exercise) independently associated with ACEs at national population levels.


Almost half (47%) of individuals experienced at least one of the nine ACEs. Prevalence of childhood sexual, physical, and verbal abuse was 6.3%, 14.8%, and 18.2% respectively (population-adjusted). After correcting for sociodemographics, ACE counts predicted all HHBs, e.g. (0 versus 4+ ACEs, adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence intervals)): smoking 3.29 (2.54 to 4.27); violence perpetration 7.71 (4.90 to 12.14); unintended teenage pregnancy 5.86 (3.93 to 8.74). Modeling suggested that 11.9% of binge drinking, 13.6% of poor diet, 22.7% of smoking, 52.0% of violence perpetration, 58.7% of heroin/crack cocaine use, and 37.6% of unintended teenage pregnancy prevalence nationally could be attributed to ACEs.


Stable and protective childhoods are critical factors in the development of resilience to health-harming behaviors in England. Interventions to reduce ACEs are available and sustainable, with nurturing childhoods supporting the adoption of health-benefiting behaviors and ultimately the provision of positive childhood environments for future generations.


Child abuse; Childhood; Alcohol; Smoking; Violence