All posts by Marina Canepa Allen

Bringing social justice in the nursing curriculum

Nurses are in the frontline of the health care system and can play an important role in promoting health and providing relevant and personalised care to patients, according to their specific needs. By doing so, nurses contribute in decreasing health inequalities and contribute to social justice. However, they might not be aware of this opportunity. It is time to talk about social justice in the nursing curriculum!

Read here an inspirational article

Abu V. K. (2020). Let us be unequivocal about social justice in nursing. Nurse education in practice47, 102849.

Equité dans les soins : les professionnels de la santé jouent un rôle important

Depuis quelques années, plusieurs hôpitaux suisses ont rejoint “Swiss Hospitals 4 Equity”. Cette plateforme permet de rassembler l’expertise des équipes des professionnels s’engageant pour offrir des soins de qualité à toutes et à tous. Une conférence annuelle et la mise à jour régulière du site permettent de partager les connaissances scientifiques actuelles en lien, entre autre, avec l’enseignement des compétences transculturelles auprès des professionnels de la santé.

Cultural Competence among health care providers: how are we doing?

A study was published recently in BMC Medical Education Online, pointing out the gaps in teaching cultural competence for medical students in 12 european universities.

One the challenges seems to be the lack of awareness and motivation among the key stakeholders (managers, teachers), in order to allocate ressources and time for training teachers and students on CC.

In spite of increasing diversity among patients and increasing inequalities in health allover Europe, teaching of CC seems to not be yet a priority in most health professional curriculums.

What about Switzerland?

Coming back

Here I am, after a long break from my blog.

During one year I lived and worked in Kyrgyzstan, an amazing country in central Asia.

I was working with MSF as project coordinator in Kara Suu District. MSF is supporting the local Ministry of Health and communities to provide access to diagnosis and treatment for Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (DRTB).

Back home, Back to blogging, so keep posted!


The end TB Project : bringing new treatments for MDR-TB to the patients in need

International organizations Partners In Health (PIH), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Interactive Research and Development (IRD) and their financial partner UNITAID started in April 2015 the endTB project, a partnership aimed at radically changing the management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

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